Today, steel mesh, widely used in the construction industry, stands out with its durability and ease of use. Steel mesh prices play an important role in determining project costs. As Deha Metal, we provide you with detailed information on current steel mesh prices.


Current Steel Mesh Prices


As of 2025, steel mesh prices are determined based on market conditions and the cost of raw materials. Fluctuations in iron-steel prices directly affect steel mesh prices. Our company strives to offer you competitive prices by closely monitoring the current state of the industry.


How Are Steel Mesh Prices Calculated?


Steel mesh prices are generally calculated based on unit weight. The basic formula used in this calculation is as follows:

Steel Mesh Price = Unit Weight (kg) x Ton Price (TRY/ton)

The unit weight of a steel mesh varies depending on the diameter of the bars used and the density of the weave. Therefore, the type and features of the steel mesh suitable for the project should be determined in advance.


What Affects Steel Mesh Prices?


  1. Raw Material Prices: The most notable variability in steel mesh prices stems from fluctuations in the prices of iron bars. An increase in iron prices reflects on steel mesh prices.
  2. Project Specifications: Special dimensions and design requirements of the project can result in different pricing compared to standard products.
  3. Market Conditions: The balance of supply and demand is a major factor affecting prices. Prices may rise during periods of high demand.
  4. Transport and Logistics Costs: The transportation cost of steel mesh is another factor affecting the total price. The distance between the factory and the construction site determines this cost.


Affordable Steel Mesh Prices with Deha Metal


As Deha Metal, we follow a transparent policy regarding steel mesh prices. We offer cost-effective and durable solutions for your various projects. You can contact us to get a price quote and learn about prices specific to your needs.


Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Are steel mesh prices current? Yes, at Deha Metal, we set our prices according to current market conditions.
  2. Can I get unit price information? Of course. If you specify the features of your project, we can provide you with a detailed price analysis.
  3. Are transport costs included? Transport costs are calculated separately depending on the location.


Deha Metal guarantees to always provide you with quality service as a leading and reliable company in the industry. Contact us to get the best prices for the steel mesh you will use in your projects!
