What is Metal? Properties and Uses of Metal
20 January 2025

Metals, which we use in many areas of our daily lives, are elements that typically have solid, shiny, conductive, and malleable properties. The definition of metal is characterized by the element's atoms forming a regular crystal structure. Here are detailed information about the properties, types, and areas of use of metals:

Properties of Metals:

Conductivity: Metals are materials that conduct electricity and heat well. These properties allow them to be used in many applications such as electrical cables, heaters, electrical devices, and industrial furnaces. For example, copper is widely used in the production of electrical cables due to its high conductivity.

Luster: Metals have a metallic appearance because their surfaces are shiny. These properties make them preferred in aesthetically driven products like jewelry and ornaments. For example, precious metals like gold and silver are frequently used in making jewelry and ornamental items.

Malleability: Metals can be easily processed to be shaped due to their malleability. These properties allow metals to be shaped in different forms, enabling the production of many different products. For example, steel is used in various fields such as construction materials, vehicles, machines, and weapons due to its malleability.

Magnetic property: Some metals have magnetic properties. For example, metals like iron, nickel, and cobalt exhibit magnetic characteristics. These properties allow them to be used in the production of magnetic materials, electric motors, and magnetic storage systems.

Density: Metals are materials with high density. These properties facilitate the production of durable and sturdy products like construction materials. For example, lead is used as radiation shielding due to its high density and is used for balance in airplanes.

Metals, with these and many other similar properties, are indispensable materials encountered in many areas of our lives and are crucial for various industrial and commercial activities.

Types of Metal and Their Uses
Metal TypeUses
IronUsed in many areas such as construction, automotive, and machinery and equipment production. Iron is widely used in the production of building materials, car bodies, rails, tools, machines, and many industrial equipment.
AluminumUsed in the aircraft and automotive industry, packaging, electrical and electronics, among others. Aluminum is preferred in various industries due to its lightness, corrosion resistance, and easy formability.
CopperUsed in electrical cables, pipe and plumbing systems, electronic products, and many other areas. Copper is widely used in the electrical and electronic industries due to its high conductivity.
SteelUsed in construction materials, vehicles, machines, weapons, and many other areas. Steel is preferred in various industries due to its durability and strength.
GoldUsed in jewelry, electronic components, currency, decorative purposes, and many other areas. Gold is a preferred material in the making of jewelry and ornaments due to its value and corrosion resistance.
SilverUsed in jewelry, ornaments, currency, photography, electronic components, and many other areas. Silver, like gold, is a valuable metal and is frequently used in the production of electronic components due to its high electrical conductivity.
LeadUsed in battery production, pencils, roofing, military purposes, and many other areas. Lead is preferred as a roofing material due to its corrosion resistance and is widely used in the battery industry.
NickelUsed in stainless steel production, battery industry, magnetic alloys, and many other areas. Nickel is preferred in the production of stainless steel due to its durability and corrosion resistance.

Metal is an important material that appears in every aspect of our lives and is used in many different areas. Due to these properties and various uses, the industrial and commercial significance of metal is quite high.
